New Product Alert: Sterling Silver
Hello All, Lets welcome Sterling Silver to the catalog. IDGSeeds released this variety to the public 12/01/2024. Click on the image for more information. Sterling Silver Serious Crop with Potential.…
Hello All, Lets welcome Sterling Silver to the catalog. IDGSeeds released this variety to the public 12/01/2024. Click on the image for more information. Sterling Silver Serious Crop with Potential.…
Hello everyone, It has been a successful creation. Below are Diaper Dandy BX clones.(Malawi + Gummybears-F2) X Gummybears-F2). Diaper Dandy BX Clones
Hello All, Below is a Photo of a Selected Diaper Dandy F1 Pheno. IDGSeeds have been Pheno hunting many of the Diaper Dandy F1 Varieties for more than 4 years.…
Below is a photo of a selected pheno of Hashberry Haze F2. HashBerry Haze F2
IDGSeeds_Feminized Variety Pack
Hello All,Attached is photo of IDGSeeds_Sterling Silver F2 selected male to continue the legacy of Sterling Silver. Sterling Silver has not been release to the public as of 01/08/2023. IDGSeeds_Sterling…
IDGSeeds_Sterling Silver F2 Female Plant
Hello All, I would like to say Merry Christmas to everyone who see's IDGSeeds Post on 12/25/2022. Below is a Photo of Diaper Dandy F1. IDGSeeds have been working on…
Diaper Dandy F1